
The European Young Chemists' Network (EYCN) together with the Portuguese Young Chemistry Group from the Portuguese Chemistry Society (SPQ) are pleased to announce the 11th EYCN Delegates Assembly, which will take place in the historical and beautiful city of Guimarães - Instituto Design Guimarães, Portugal from 26th to 30th April 2016.

EYCN is the younger members division of the European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences (EuCheMS). Every chemist under 35 within the EuCheMS framework is part of EYCN. Today EYCN represents 26 European chemical societies from 22 different countries and two affiliated members (American Chemical Society and Israel Chemical Society). Every year, the EYCN organizes a meeting with all the national representatives: the EYCN Delegates Assembly.

This initiative is aimed to strengthen the links between the young chemists from all over Europe. This meeting aims to reinforce the development of networks between young chemists, harnessing in particular their communication and working skills. In addition, it will point towards new professional opportunities and help motivating the entrepreneurship of the young and early career participants.



From Portugal

Diana Ferreira (GQJ)
César Henriques (GQJ)
David Conceição (GQJ)
Gonçalo de Sá (GQJ)
Leonardo Mendes (SPQ)
João Fernandes
Raphaël Canadas
Catarina Custódio (PYCHEM)
Ana Rita Araújo (PYCHEM)


Camille Oger (SCF)
Fernando Gomollón Bel - Chair


Tuesday, 26th
14h - Check-in
16h - Guided Tour Historical center of Guimarães

Wednesday, 27th
Breakfast at the hotel
5th PYCheM& 1st EYCheM Congress
Wine Tasting at Manifestis Probatum

Thursday, 28th
Breakfast at the hotel
Party at Bar da Ramada

Friday, 29th
Breakfast at the hotel
Night Out

Saturday, 30th


Registration Fees

  • Delegates (2 maximum per society member of EuCheMS): 120 euros in double room
  • Delegates (2 maximum per society member of EuCheMS): 220 euros in single room
  • Affiliate members (YCC, Russia): 120 euros

  • Accompanying persons (member of EuCheMS (extra delegate, Dinos)): 220 euros
  • Accompanying persons (non-member of EuCheMS, family, friends): 300 euros
  • The fees includes:

    • Hotel for 4 nights
    • 4 dinners
    • 3 lunches
    • 6 coffee-breaks
    • participation in 5th PYCheM & 1st EYCheM congress at April 27th

    • Payment Information
        Bank Transfer
        Account Holder: Sociedade Portuguesa de Química
        Bank: Millennium BCP (Lisboa, Pt)
        NIB: 0033 0000 4534 5670 6780 5
        IBAN: PT50 0033 0000 4534 5670 6780 5

    Registration Steps for Registration

    REGISTRATION DEADLINE: 29th of February 2016

    Abstract submission

    Each registered participant will be entitled to submit one abstract for a poster presentation.

    The meeting’s official language will be English.
    Abstracts must be submitted in English

    Abstracts should be submitted via the SPQ registration site until 29th February 2016. Please, log in using the login and the password provided during the registration process and then proceed with "abstract submission".
    Please use the Microsoft Word file Abstract Template

    The abstract must not exceed one A4 page. The abstract file should be saved as follows: name_surname_poster.doc or name_surname_oral.doc (or docx in either case).

    Please make sure your abstract does not contain any spelling or grammar mistakes, as it will be reproduced as submitted.

    Abstract topics

  • Electrochemistry
  • Polymer Chemistry
  • Analytical chemistry
  • Biochemistry
  • Organic chemistry
  • Inorganic chemistry
  • Physical chemistry
  • Materials chemistry and Nanomaterials
  • Medicinal chemistry
  • Green chemistry
  • Computational chemistry
  • Chemistry of Natural Products
  • Surface chemistry and interfaces
  • Teaching and Disseminating Chemistry
  • Other (suggestion)
  • PYCheM

    The Group of Young Chemists ( GQJ) of the Portuguese Society of Chemistry ( SPQ) was created in 2007 to promote the dissemination of scientific knowledge produced by young researchers working in Portugal and abroad. The group also aims to establish a network among young scientists to foster the exchange of ideas, experiences and contacts.

    This mission culminated in a biennial scientific conference, which has grown remarkably over the recent years. The previous editions of the PYCheM in Lisbon (2008), Aveiro (2010), Porto (2012) and Coimbra (2014) have confirmed and extended the primary mission and values of the GQJ.

    The next edition, in April 2016, embraces the challenge of bringing together young chemists and scientists from all over Europe.

    About Guimarães

    Guimarães is one of the most beautiful cities of Portugal. Its past is so intimately intertwined with the History of Portugal that it is commonly and proudly referred to as the Cradle of the Nation. Guimarães is a city full of culture and well-preserved history that deserves to be visited!

    In 2001, the Historic Centre of Guimarães was declared as World Heritage by UNESCO, and in 2012, Guimarães was European Capital of Culture.

    Guimarães hopes to see you in April 2016! 

    Local of the DA


    The conference will be held in Guimarães.

    How to arrive

    Guimarães is easily accessible by highway or railway. It is 50 km North of Oporto and it is linked to main Portuguese cities by train ( train schedules) or express buses ( bus schedules).

    You may choose one of the 3 following alternatives to get to Guimarães from the Oporto airport:
    Taxi directly to Guimarães. It takes about 40 minutes, depending on traffic, and costs about 60 €;

    Metro/train combination. The cheapest option. Takes about 2 hours and costs about 5 €. First you take the Metro (www.metrodoporto.pt) at the airport following the direction to Campanhã railway station in Porto. There, you must buy the ticket at the ticket office, and catch the train to Guimarães ( train schedules);
    Get Bus offers you an express service with daily connections between Porto airport and the city of Guimarães. The prices vary between €7.5 for one way travel or €12 for a return travel. For more information please check the  GetBus website.


    Hotel Fundador


    The breakfast and wi-fi are included.
    more information soon

    General information

    Insurance: All conference attendees are advised to arrange private travel insurance. The conference organizers and committee accept no liability for personal accidents or damage to property. The organizing committee of DA2016 reserves the right to amend and/or alter the conference program without prior notice.

    Time Zone: The time zone in Portugal is GMT.

    Water: Tap water in Portugal is drinking water!

    Electricity: The voltage in Lisbon is The local current is 220 AC and the connection is made by a two-pin plug. Travellers from the UK will require a plug adapter and this is best bought in the UK as they are hard to find in Lisbon (can try at the Lisbon/Oporto airport).

    Currency, Banks and Post Offices: The national currency in Portugal is Euro. Banks are open from Monday to Friday between 8.30 am and 3 pm. Post offices are usually open between 8.30 am and 6 pm. Exchange houses operate everyday between 9 am and 1 pm and from 2 pm to 7 pm.

    Going out in Guimarães: With your conference material you will find a city map and a brochure of Guimarães with lots of necessary information.

    Climate: In early April, the temperature in Guimarães is on average 19ºC (the nights 10ºC) and can rain.

    Contacts Us


    SPQ - Sociedade Portuguesa de Química

      Av. da República, 45 - 3º Esq.
      1050 - 187 Lisboa

      (+351) 217 934 637 (9h-17h)

    General Information - Organization/Program